
Shared Insights

Relevant industry content we've curated covering a wide range of topics

Shared Insights

Outsourcing & Oversight – Olmstead

October 2020

Article from Olmstead that talks about a worthy trend for investment managers: pairing outsourcing with transparent oversight.

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Shared Insights

Rise of Outsourcing – Institutional Asset Manager

October 2020

Article about how the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing an increasing number of asset managers turning to outsourcing to reduce costs and improve efficiency, while focusing only on revenue-growing functions.

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Shared Insights

Business Continuity Plans – WatersTech

September 2020

COVID-10 has tested many aspects of business. One in particular, Business Continuity Planning, has forced firms to not only review, but in many cases, fully enact plans. STP’s nearly flawless execution of our BCP at a moment’s notice stands out.

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Shared Insights

Outsourcing To Control Costs – Accenture/Pension & Investments

February 2020

Interesting article discusses outsourcing as an effective model for asset managers to overcome continued fee pressure, as shrinking margins impair a firm’s ability to produce alpha.

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Shared Insights

Outsourcing & Technology to Lower Costs – Pension & Investments

January 2020

Article from Pension & Investments talks about how investment firms are turning to outsourcing and technology to streamline and automate functions across the middle and back office.

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