STP Named to PBJ’s Best Places to Work” List
STP announced that it has been named as a Best Places to Work in Philadelphia by Philadelphia Business Journal for the third time in four years.
The ‘Best Places to Work’ list recognizes and celebrates the outstanding workplace culture created by the very best employers in the Greater Philadelphia region. The prestigious list of organizations is created using responses from confidential employee surveys administered by Quantum Workplace and considers themes such work-life balance, respect, recognition, teamwork and commitment to the community. This year, STP was selected out of a record number of applicants.
One STP Investment Services employee shared in their survey response, “Employees are highly valued as an integral part of the success of the company. We strive to do the best for our clients. Management focuses on our core values of treating everyone with respect and giving all an opportunity to do his/her best.”
Since its founding in 2008, STP’s exponential growth has propelled the company to one of the leading middle and back office investment service providers in the area. It is one of Philadelphia’s fastest-growing organizations and has plans for further expansion to support its increasing client base. STP proactively works to create an engaging workplace as it recognizes its people as an intrinsic part of their success. “To have great service, you need to have the best people who love working here and really are passionate about meeting the needs of our clients,” noted Patrick Murray, Founder and CEO.