STP’s Global Team Celebrates Diwali
STP employees in India and the US celebrated Diwali last week. Diwali (also called Deepawali) is the Hindu festival of lights. It usually lasts five days and is one of the most popular festivals in India. Diwali symbolizes the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. Notable Diwali symbols and rituals include use of Diya (a type of oil lamp) and other lighting, home decoration, shopping, fireworks, prayers, gifts, feasts, and sweets. While Diwali is probably best experienced in India, it has become a holiday that is celebrated across the globe in a number of different locations and cultures.
Although 8400 miles apart, our united team enjoyed the shared celebration. Decorations and lights were put up in both offices and food and sweets were savored. A shared camaraderie, team spirit and core value of making the work environment enjoyable makes for a happy engaged staff. From our STP family to you we wish you a Happy Diwali!